​​​Indian Lake Area Historical Society
  1. Download our Membership Form
  2. Print a copy of the form
  3. Mail a completed copy along with your check made payable to:
    Indian Lake Area Historical Society
              P.O .Box 265
              Russells Point, OH 43348

Membership Form

If you would like to become a member of the Indian Lake Area Historical Society please:


Membership in the Indian Lake Area Historical Society is a material way that you can support the work of the historical society and receive all the benefits of membership. Your support of our work is important to the historical society and indicates community support to other funding sources.

The membership year is a calendar year. Please make your check payable to the ILAHS.. We look forward to welcoming you as a member. We are pleased to offer three levels of membership: 

$10   Individual 
$15    Family
$25    Business

$300 Individual Lifetime

Please mail to ILAHS, P.O. Box 265, Russells, Point, OH 43348-0265.